Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake
Sunday, April 30, 2006
I'm 21, an English major at University of V —, and a seeming addict of blogging. The things I love most in this world are
My mom, dad and sister
Being able to eat, sleep, and having a roof over my head
My pets
Well, that was a nice list. I do love poetry, although I haven't been in the habit of writing much for about 3 and a half years, but I'm getting there again. I guess I have liberal political views (they're really just common-sense and humanitarian, but they ended up being the same as liberal.) I am a quasi-Buddhist. No, it's not that I'm afraid to commit, it's just that Buddhism is HARD. I'm not that big on conspicuous consumption. I live in a 20' X 20' cottage with Thom and I like it a lot. We have this computer, which we spend a whole lot of time on, but we don't have a TV. That's about it.
Eggh. It's hard to write an "about me" page and not sound stuck up. But if I weren't egotistical on some level, I wouldn't have a blog, now would I?
I'm 21, and engaged to Thom, who just happens to be 28 years my senior. I'm a college student, 2 semesters away from a B. A. in English, and I plan on getting a doctorate. I am a fledgeling Buddhist, and also a vegan for both health and ethical reasons. I read, and sometimes write poetry, which I've intensely studied since I was 13, and I'm probably a far more exacting critic than most you'll find in poetry journals. I love Latin, foriegn languages in general, and now I've picked up another interest: bugs. Right now, with the help of several blogs, I'm learning how to be a better feminist, and to try my best to eradicate my implicit racism, in a country where white implicit racism is the status quo.
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