fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Random Thought

You know, I think that if I were to keep any kind of buggy thing (spiders included) as a pet, I think I would keep some sort of scarab beetle. I mean, firstly, beetles are so plentiful. All you have to do is turn on your porch light, and bam, you'll get a beetle. In fact, 1 our of every 5 animals on the planet is a beetle. They make up the largest order of species. Period. I can't speak for the rest of beetledom, but I do know from recent experience that scarab beetles (june bugs, Japanese beetles, and the like) are so well behaved. I mean, talk about bugs that not only can't bite, but don't even try. They don't get all fluttery and panicky like a moth or butterfly, they don't sting, and they don't release chemicals (well, I'm sure that some do. It's a big family.) Sure, the larvae are incredibly desctructive, and sometimes the adults can be, but these beetles are just hard-wired to chill out. Not to mention how beautiful they are. And look at that face. Awww. Once I get them, I will put up some totally cool pictures we've taken lately: moths, and asassin bug, and daddy long legs.


  • At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I do believe that bug's face will haunt my dreams indefinitely. I vow never to sleep again.

    Sarah L.


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