fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Monday, May 01, 2006

Paper Time

My cold has gotten much better since yesterday. My nose is still a little runny, but my throat isn't nearly as sore. I'm just talking with a lower, huskier voice today. So today I had my last class of my English lit lecture, and I also took the first part of my Latin exam. I actually did really well on the Latin, I think, at least. It was just a bunch of forms and vocabulary.

Thom helped me study for the Latin last night
. We went over my vocabulary words right before I went to bed by lying in the bed next to one another as he read (or tried to read) words from my vocab list. It's not that pronouncing Latin is really hard, since no one actually knows how to do it. Usually, we just bastardize it in class, and just follow the basic rules: v's sound like w's, c's always sound like k's, j's and i's at the beginning of words always sound like y's, so some things just sound wierd to us: Yulius Kaesar said "weni, widi, wiki." I'm not kidding.

My work for the day has been cut out for me: finish two papers. One paper is only three pages, and I already have three and a half, so that's no big deal. The other one is 16 pages, and I have 11 on that one, so it'll be the bulk of my work. After that I can simply start studying for exams after I get out of class tomorrow. I am SO ready for the semester to end, and I've been ready for a few weeks. But just now I'm starting to feel the need for summer. When I signed up for classes in mid-April, I was simply ready for the next semester to begin.

My last exam is the morning of the 11th, and later the next week we'll go on a little vacation before I start to work again. Ahh...just a few days to sit around and do NOTHING. I'm so grateful. I'll probably work on the template to this blog. Not that I don't like this one, since it's super minimal, but since I have the chance to actually mess with the look, I figure I might as well while I'm able.


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