fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Field Guide

Well, my attempt to make a layout has failed, again. For whatever reason, I'm having a harder time with Blogger than I ever did with Movable Type. Modifying layouts, that is. I have a feeling that it's due to being out of practice. I know that everybody has this layout, but I'll come up with something later, or just modify it to look better. Hey, at least my links don't say "Google News Edit Me Edit Me."

Not much has been going on. I've been getting back into the swing of working, and remembering a bunch of crap I forgot. Probably the most interesting thing that's happened is Thom's black eye, which he acquired on Saturday night. As is often the case, I went to bed before he did. By the time he came to bed, I had wondered over to his side of the bed in my sleep. Instead of moving me or waking me up (you really just can roll me over without waking me, though) he got into bed on my side. At around four or so, there was a *whump* loud enough to wake me up. It seems that Thom was sleeping with his head on the edge of the bed, right next to our low bookshelf. Either a bug really did land on his face (we suspect a flying roach) or he dreamed it, and he sat bolt upright, hitting his eye really really hard on the bookshelf. It's still a really dark purple now.

Speaking of bugs, over the last few days I've found that I actually have great interest in them. After months of observing our "pet" spiders, which live between the window and storm window in our bedroom, and observing all the kinds of bugs that get in the house with great interest, I was inspired by Twisty's Urban Varmint Research to finally realize that, duh! I'm interested in bugs! So I got a couple of small, general field guides to start. My goal is to be able to competently use something like The Peterson Field Guide by the end of the summer. Of course, I can't forget my other two goals: to become a more competent Buddhist, and to not forget my Latin, and read some real Latin, before school starts. Why is it that now that I have less time on my hands I want to do more stuff? Oh well.


  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger Alan said…

    just want to let you know i have drop by your site... interesting

    i'm a blog surfer... have a nice day


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