fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Here's a short post. I'll write more, of a less soapboxy nature, later.

Well, I can't say that this
surprises me, but haven't we all agreed by now that the Cold War was nothing but a contest of firearms and paranoia, and that, in general, it wasn't a glorious thing? Are Americans STILL ragging on COMMUNISM? OK, let me break it down here, people:

Communism was something that was invented, mostly by Karl Marx, in the interest of all the poor people. Marx was pretty naive about it, but he only had the best of intentions.

The USSR, China, Cuba, the entire Eastern Block, North Korea, etc. have very little to do with actual communism. There was all this talk about communism, but no country (that I know of, at least) has ever adopted communism as Marx intended it.

Not that I'm big into communism, I'm not. To me, it was an OK idea, formed with the best of intentions, which does not work, and leaves it wide open, every time, for a dictator to come in and take all the power. The idea that US officials are still calling down the concept of communism, when it's pretty obvious that only the individual communist governments are to blame shows me how small a distance we've traveled. Bush is comparing terrorism, something that can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime and can never be squelched out on its own, to our proud past of fighting an abstract idea that has the welfare of all people in mind. Nice job.

Terrorism interferes with your right to have a gun.
Communism interferes with your right to conspicuous consumption.

Ever think that you're constantly being pumped full of capitalist ideology? Hmm...why don't you ask the people in your local black ghetto why they're not as rich as you. Why don't you ask a homeless veteran why he chooses to sleep outside in 5 degree weather when he could be living the American dream. You'd be surprised to find that these people are not lazy, they just don't have as many opportunities. Whatever chicken-in-every-pot bullshit you've been fed, I ask you to think about it, and then ask yourself what fear tactics the government uses to help you get your mind off of it.


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