fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Is Your Heart Bleeding for that Cow's Heart Your'e Eating?

This post has actually only a little to do with the title. I just liked it.

When I had just discovered the feminist and antiracist blogospheres, this had come up. I didn't have the wherewithal to blog about it then, but I saw a link to it at the Shrub.com Blog and was unhappily reminded.

So: yes, I will call Kos and whoever else resides over at that sight bleeding-heart liberals. To me, part of being a flaming liberal (whereas I just smolder) is feeding the flames with your ego. So, a guy calls himself Kos and then decides to call his website "The Daily Kos." Yes, we need you to say something every day. We NEED it. And no, we will never expect that your huge website and meticulously recorded traffic is just there for your ego.

Here's what annoys me: bleeding-heart liberals who do not follow up on their shit. What do I mean by this? Well, you got liberal somehow, probably by not wanting to have to put up with Christian/family values/imperialist bullshit. Needless to say, human rights are a large part of liberalism (I would say animal rights fall in there too, but steak-eating bleeding hearts, as well as anybody else, start getting REAL pissed when you tell them how much that cow suffered, not to mention the low-wage workers who will suffer severe long-term injuries from the kind of work they're made to do at inhuman speeds, just to put that steak on your plate, and look ma! no health insurance! Out of sight, out of mind, eh?). Well, personally, I think it's pretty fucking sad that someone probably knows (and therefore cares) more about the different Muslim sects in Iraq than he or she does about the racism, sexism, and poverty in his or her own country. YES, we know that Bush and Cheney are evil and incompetent. YES we know that the Middle East is a clusterfuck (it was that way before you were born, and it will be that way for a long time, barring a nuclear apocalypse), YES we know that the current administration is corrupt. I'm not downplaying the part of foreign relations at all. It's incredibly important to look at our history of involvement with Vietnam other countries, and those countries' histories and relationships with other countries, if we're to avoid shit like this. But by reading blogs that only deal with shit like that, people learn nothing but more facts to back up their arguments that have been set in stone since after 9/11. The conservatives who read it aren't going to agree. I'm sorry, I've got to say it: not much is going to get accomplished by websites like Daily Kos.

OK, now on to the critique of the flaming sexism of the article. Personally, I wouldn't have written in about the pie-fight ad. I mean, yes, it's pretty lame for him of all people to have it up, and I have a feeling that people weren't like "That ad is burning at my waiting-until-marriage eyeballs!" but more like, "Dude, you of all freakin' people are making money off of skank hos on reality TV? Come on!" I, however, would rather point out something like that to someone I was watching TV with or walking down the street with, instead of talking to web ego I don't even know. If I can put an earwig...in the ear...of one person I know personally, that's worth 100 Kos'.

But here's where it gets ugly: he responded by saying that "Women's Studies people" are far too fussy and need to get over it. Then, after a deluge of comments, he "realized" that perhaps implying, nay, saying, that the study of women is completely unimportant, he apologized only to people who have ever taken a women's studies class. But me? I'm just a plain ol' feminist, and an English major, so I guess if I get offended, I should just take it to my director of undergraduate studies. Or what about people who are too poor to go to college? Do their feminist opinions also not matter? I guess not. I was really hoping this guy was still in college, because then I could kind of forgive his use of majors to categorize people. (All women who don't agree with their beer-swilling abusive boyfriend's attitude are "women's studies people," and all black people who can't take a little racism joke are "African-American studies people." Note my well-behaved used of the word "people" instead of some kind of demeaning and now useless word...like "woman.")

I think that you (my few and brave readers) get the point. If your heart's gonna bleed, let it bleed for everyone equally.

I think I'll post more on "Beauty" later today.


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