fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Checking In

Geez, has it really been six days since my last post? It's gone by pretty quickly, well, except for yesterday. The night before last we went to a tapas bar with some friends from out of town and Indulged with a capital I. There were 5 of us, 4 of us over drinking age, and we went through 2 pitchers of sangria and a ton of extra good, extra olive oily food. I probably had 5 or so highball-sized glasses of sangria and 10 or 15 pieces of fruit. I could feel the alcohol, but I didn't feel drunk, just tipsy. I also had all this over a period of about 3 hours and I drank a lot of water, too. Alas, it was not enough to keep me from the hangover from hell. I usually have malt beverages when I drink, so I guess I just couldn't handle that much wine or something. I think I was hung over until about 7 last night, and I'd been at work since noon.

School is starting in a few days for me and I'm excited. I've gotten most of my books, except my Latin books, which have not even been ordered from the bookstore yet, apparently. I hope it's an oversight, or that they're preparing a reading packet for us, because there's no way in hell I'm carrying around the intolerably huge and clunky Wheelock's Latin for another semester. No way. I had to carry it 5 days a week last semester, and I'm so sick of that book. Besides, I took my copy out back and shot it...I mean...took it to the recycling center, right after school was over.

I've also begun pringing out my syllabi and flagging my readings and printing out supplimentary material. You see, over the past few semesters, I've becomes an organization freak when it comes to school, and it didn't take long to realize that I use preparation and organization as a means for procrastination. Ohh...that was a nice sounding sentence. So, I figure if I get a lot of my obsessive organization done now, I'll be forced to do more work later. Here's hoping. At any rate, I'll write more later.


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