fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Well, after being a huge bitch (at least to my mind) over the past few days, it's nice for Thom and I to spend a little quality time together. We just finished eating a concoction he whipped up: bok choy, red onion, garlic, roasted red pepper flakes, and even liquid smoke, all cooked in peanut oil, with a dish of cold soba noodles on the side, with various condiments (brown rice vinegar, sesame oil, sesame seeds, Japanese salad dressing.)

As for my bitchitude, last night I got angry for the first time in months. I'm not a saint, I just inherited my mom's long fuse. At any rate, closing the cafe down totally sucked last night, since my only assistant was a guy, close to my age, who is a sweetheart, although imcompetent and somewhat lazy. It was a Friday night, it rained (freaking poured, actually, flash flood warnings and all) and it got busy. Not only that, but I'm staffed with Mister Well-There-Are-No-Customers-So-I-Guess-That-Means-I-Can-Stand-Around-and-Do-Nothing. The store closed at 11, and by 11:30, I only had half of what I should have had done. The book side finished early, and some people came over and helped me without even thinking about it, while others whined about how they wanted to go home. If it were midnight (and, by the way, every closer is scheduled to end their shift at midnight, but we often finish earlier) and I were still working, I could see. But there's no excuse for bitching like that at 11:30! And besides, we got out of there at 11:50 or so.

So, I got home and went to bed soon after. At around 2:45 or 3, I woke up, and couldn't get back to sleep until 6, and then I had to wake up at eight, go to work at 9, and work till 5. I'm amazed at how long it's taking my body to get used to working so much. It used to be that I could do 40 hours per week like nothing. Now I'm feeling pain at 30.

At any rate, on a much lighter note, I thought I'd put up a couple of pictures. The other night there was this really cool moth in our house. Usually, we just get the little ones, that look like triangles when at rest, but this one was quite glorious, being big, having fuzzy antennae, and being polite enough to hold still for several pictures.


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