fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Friday, May 05, 2006

A Ghost is Born

The day before yesterday I was on grounds studying for my Renaissance and the Epic class when I decided to get my hair cut again. This time I went in and told the lady to give me a boy's haircut, which is the shortest I've ever gotten it. I'm really pleased, though. I feel so free. It's not on my neck, over my ears, or in my face. I was a bit apprehensive at first, but I've grown into it. That night I pulled out Wilco's A Ghost is Born to listen to. Thom had never heard it before so we sat there and listened to it. What a great album, I forgot how good it was. Thom was really impressed, too.

I met with Aurelius today to talk about the upcoming exam. We also just sat there and talked. I'm really glad that, out of all 20 sections for this class, I got Aurelius as a TA. So much of our lives, good and bad, seem to be dictated by chance. The completely different way of looking at it is that our lives are dictated by karma. Either way, I'm still amazed at how much people agonize over matters of chance. If it IS chance, then what could you have done about it? If it's karma, then you did it to yourself, so suffer through it as best as you can, ask people for help, but don't despair. So much easier said than done. At any rate, whether it was good karma or good luck, I'm glad that I met Aurelius. It's just nice to feel that you have an ally. I've actually got many allies, just all in different sectors of my life.

After I got home I folded the laundry, ate, got a shower. I still have to get down to doing a lot of studying. Now that I'm not really tired, since I also took a nap, I think I should be able to. Thom got off of work seven minutes ago and should be home soon. It rained here. It is now very green and the most humid day so far this year.


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