fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Soundtrack as I type this post: dogs barking, my landlord John is playing his mandolin and the Timberlake kids playing in front of their house. Yes, my neighbors are called The Timberlakes, and yes, it's the kind of neighborhood you'd expect a family of Timberlakes to live in. At least it's quiet. I've opened the front and back doors of the cottage to let some fresh air through. I took my second to last exam today, came home at 11:30, received a kiss from Thom as he was rushing out the door, cleaned up the house, looked around on the internet a bit,and then went back to school at 2, studied and read until 5, when I had my very first “meeting” of the small, girly literary mag I joined. I'm usually not into doing group projects, or joining organizations at school, but at the university, there are so many organizations about so many things that you'd be a doofus, really, not to join. So, I'm the staff of a lit mag, and I figure if a join a political or religious organization and a club, I'll be set. I got the new issue, met a couple of people, distributed the issue in the library and stuff, and went on my way. Later, I was looking at it and saw that my name wasn't on the staff list, even though there was stuff in there that I contributed. Oh, well. It's probably better that way.

It was overcast for two days straight, and it didn't look like it was going to ease up at all this morning, but around 1, the sun came out and the temperature jumped up 15 or 20 degrees and it turned into a nice day. Not too hot, not too cold, and you were able to sit in the sun without being hot. It was nice.

I ran into Cassius today in the library. He complimented my haircut (over the course of the semester, my straight brown hair has gone from mid-back length, no bangs, to shoulder length, with bangs, to jaw length with bangs, to, as of last Thursday, the length of a boy's haircut), and asked me if we were still friends. I think it would be pretty stupid of me to cut him off, since he and I frequent the same places, but I definitely was not eager to say, “Oh, yes yes! Of course I'm your friend!” I just made a motion that said, “kind of,” and left it at that. I don't mind talking to him about literature and stuff, when I randomly run into him, but he and I are not going to be doing the hanging out that we used to. Since our “altercation,” I've found out from several sources that he's basically a creepy guy (something I knew already and ignored) and that more people than Thom have wanted me to stay away from him. Well, I saw the signs and I duly ignored them, so I guess this is what I get. I'm really not angry, just embarrassed.

At any rate, I must go study for my last exam. Considering that tomorrow is my birthday AND Thom has the day off, I can't imagine that I'll get the optimum amount of studying done.


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