fever 103

Rouze up! Set your foreheads against the ignorant Hirelings! — Wm. Blake

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Where I am

I found this from my old journal:

4/27/05 Wednesday

Where I Am

  1. Last week of 4th semester at P —
  2. Thirteen days away from being twenty.
  3. Waiting to hear from U —
  4. Just ended with Mr. B —
  5. Slightly smouldering over B —
  6. I like my body, especially with clothes.
  7. Wounds: left big toe on bush stump, elbow on picinic table, picked left thumb by the nail raw
  8. Actively reading: nothing
  9. Reading Philosophies of Art and Beauty, finishing The Box Man, need to finish To the Finland Station.
  10. Moods are up and down, but have been consitently pleasant for three days now.
  11. Not anxious, except about U —
  12. OK at Latin
  13. Horrible at Greek
  14. No new love interest
  15. No religion
  16. I just saw a crow tree a squirrel. Very interesting.
Well, here's the follow up:
  1. Last week of 1st semester at U —
  2. Three days away from being twenty-one.
  3. Got into U —, but only after a wait of several months and several angry emails.
  4. Met Thom in the parking lot one year ago today
  5. Apathetic about friendship with Cassius
  6. I like my body, especially without clothes
  7. Wounds: picking at right middle finger.
  8. Actively reading: nothing.
  9. Reading: for my exams.
  10. Moods are good for the most part.
  11. A little anxious, but not overall.
  12. About 10 times better at Latin than I was, but still OK at it.
  13. Completely forgotten Greek, forgetting my one semester of German.
  14. Engaged. Will be married a year from today.
  15. Buddhist leanings.
  16. Vegetarian.
  17. I see squirrels all the time. They are like my power animal. How wierd that I was writing about it a year ago.


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